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Buy Social USA and our Network Partners

If you’re interested in implementing a social procurement strategy for your organization, you might be wondering how to get started? That’s where having a marketplace with trusted, verified sellers comes in. Buy Social USA was started to help increase opportunities for US social enterprises, fair trade organizations, impact networks, and other initiatives that prioritize people and planet over profit maximization. Our specific focus is helping corporations, government agencies, universities, and other institutional buyers "buy better." Buy Social USA works with partner social enterprise ecosystem builders to help verified social enterprise sellers gain social procurement contracts, access discounted and pro-bono services and access capacity building training.

Instead of reinventing the wheel, Buy Social USA is an ecosystem builder, following the network of networks approach. As such we have partnered with various organizations to accelerate the process of Social Procurement in the US. Good Market serves as our curated database partner, while SEWF is the verification partner. We also have a relationship with MovingWorlds to assist social enterprises with capacity building and skill building. All of these networks work in partnership to support social enterprises to become social procurement ready. Our partnership with the Catalyst Business Commitment helps businesses receive recognition for working in partnership with verified social enterprises. Here’s a brief overview of each of our key partners

Good Market (Global) - Curated Database

Good Market is a curated community of social enterprises, cooperatives, responsible businesses, civic organizations, networks and change-makers. It’s free to have a Good Market public profile on the community platform. There are Good Market approved enterprises working on farming, food, fashion, energy and waste management, conservation and restoration, health, education, software, finance, business services, media and many more impact areas.

Social Enterprise World Forum (SEWF) - Verification Partner

Since 2008, Social Enterprise World Forum SEWF has been a world leader in advancing social enterprise development globally. Each year, SEWF brings together social enterprise leaders and champions from all continents to collaborate, share best practices and plan future developments. In addition to the annual global forum, SEWF facilitates policy development, global mapping, sector advocacy and regional forums. In 2022, they launched a global verification system, recognizing several existing certifications from around the world that match or exceed it's own standards and providing a trusted third-party verification in countries with little or no access.

TRANSFORM Support Hub, powered by MovingWorlds - Capacity Building

TRANSFORM Support Hub, powered by MovingWorlds, is a joint initiative between MovingWorlds, SAP and Unilever. The Hub connects social enterprises with corporates, peers, learning content and a global community of pro bono professionals to deliver market-based solutions for the Sustainable Development Goals. The TRANSFORM Support Hub is an ongoing and on-demand revenue and growth accelerator for social enterprises—helping organizations grow their business through advice on opportunity areas, learning modules and corporate connections, pro bono professionals to meet organization-specific goals and more.

Catalyst Business Commitment - Business Recognition

The Catalyst Business Commitment is a prestigious recognition of private businesses that partner with mission-locked social enterprises. Businesses that can demonstrate actions under 21 areas of work are issued a Catalyst Business Commitment badge, which they can use on their product/service communications. The 21 actions are split into three sections; Systems change funding, pro bono or discounted services and social procurement. Each action is worth a set number of points, which in turn relate to different categories of badge from Bronze to Platinum.

So whether you are a social enterprise, a buyer or corporation, an employee, or a community member, there are ways you can help. Spending your money with social enterprises (locally and globally) creates waves of positive impact and systemic change for both society and the environment. Spread the word! Many organizations that are social enterprises do not know they are social enterprises, and are therefore not receiving benefits they could otherwise have access to.

If you think your US-based organization (or an organization you know of) might be a social enterprise, reach out to us at Buy Social USA ( or check out our website ( Buy Social USA can help you get verified and connected with corporate and institutional buyers who are looking to purchase from social enterprises like yours (both big and small social enterprises, in all industries!). Our experienced team can assist you with strategizing, sourcing, planning, and impact reporting for your social procurement needs. Our services are free to Social Enterprises.



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